Saturday, June 4, 2011

The choice of happiness or being miserable!

This week I was reading a book titled Traits of a Lasting Marriage by Jim & Sally Conway. I find this book fascinating and would recommend it to anyone who wants to take an active role in their marriage! My husband and I are taking a class at our church in which our Pastor is teaching on topics from this book.

In the book the authors talk about a lot of excellent topics, but one that I found stood out and could apply to single, married, widowed, etc. "Happiness is a choose to be happy or you choose to be miserable." How true is that! Do you know "that person" who always seems to have something wrong and focuses on it? Do you find yourself questioning is this person every happy? I am sure we all know someone like this, otherwise we would live in a perfect world.

When I read this portion of the book about happiness, a woman I know came to mind. She is a single mother with a couple kids, works two jobs, does volunteer work, is a woman of her word, and ALWAYS has a smile on her face! She has had a rough road, life is not always easy, but whatever lemons in life she is handed, she always handles it with a smile. I respect this woman a lot because of her positive outlook on life no matter how bad it gets. She chooses to be happy in life, no matter what.

So, are you a person who chooses to be happy or miserable?

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