Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Day is Young, Forgive Someone!

I was listening to Nancy Leigh DeMoss on Reviveourhearts.com where she talks about forgiveness. Have you ever assumed something? Have you ever thought something that was based on inaccurate information? Have you ever acted poorly towards someone without knowing all the facts? I am sure every one who is honest with themselves can say they have done this. Do not forget to get all the facts before assuming! A person who does not get all the facts and acts poorly based on inaccurate information is no better than the person who wronged them.

Nancy, talks about forgiveness and the importance of ones actions when being hurt. She talks about how a person should make a list of how someone might have hurt them and how they responded. Then question did you respond the right way or the wrong way? There are many times when we respond inappropriately to hurtful or wrongful things that are done to us. She talks about the importance of responding the right way in all situations.

Unresolved forgiveness leads to a hard heart and bitterness. Are you strapped with bitterness towards someone? Try forgiving! The day is young!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Looking for Quiet in the Raging Storm

Do you find yourself saying, "I have no idea where the summer has gone. Life sure is busy! It seems life just gets busier and busier. I have no time!" The reality is there is all kinds of turmoil, activity and busy-ness around us. It seems the more technology advances the busier our world gets. Are you someone who struggles with this or strives with this?
Finding peace amongst the turmoil is critical! Do you find yourself struggling with time management? Over booking your schedule so you do not have a moment of free time? Feeling guilty because you need to say no, because you were invited to six things on the same day? When was the last time you really unplugged (no phone, no internet, no texting, no computer, no technology)?
I was talking with my grandmother about life and how it is getting increasingly busy for people. Her advice was once again wise. Most likely, there are not enough hours in a day to complete everything you wish to complete. The to-do list will always be longer than shorter. You will need to say no to people to have time to think, reflect and meditate. You will need to unplug.
Have you found your quiet in the storm?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Treasure the Elderly, They Have Lived Through More Than You!

Have you ever taken the time to appreciate the elderly? Have you taken the time to sit, have coffee and listen to their stories over and over? Have you taken the time to spend an afternoon helping an elderly and learning from them?

I LOVE the elderly! Think of all the things you studied in history, now imagine hearing a personal account of that event in time. That is why I LOVE the elderly! I remember sitting in Andover, Massachusetts with my Great-Grand-Aunt listening to her tell me about so many historical events from her point of view and how she lived during those times.

Imagine hearing about the following from direct information instead of the biased opinions in history books:
1. The Great Depression
2. Immigrating from Quebec Canada
3. The Korean War
4. The Cold War
5. Desert Storm
6. The Vietnam War
7. The Holocaust
8. The invention of the computer
9. The invention of the internet
10. WW1
11. WW2
12. Abolish of Slavery
13. Women's Right to Vote
14. Cubin missile crisis
15. Hiroshima
16. JFK Assasination
17. Marriage, Divorce and Death of Princess Diana
18. Martin Luther King Jr
19. Watergate
20. Three Mile Island
21. Development of AIDS & Cancer
22. Various natural disasters
23. Y2K
24. Chernobyl
25. 9/11
26. Many revolutions resulting in independence and breaking or forming of countries
27. The fall of the Berlin Wall
28. Various High School and College Shootings
29. And so many more things

Take some time to treasure, listen and love the elderly, they have lived through a lot of history and have tons of information to share that could make you see, live or love your life differently.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Go Buy Some Stamps!

I was reading an article the other day from the Revive Our Hearts Series (http://www.reviveourhearts.com/). In this article they were discussing the importance of buying stamps in our technologically advanced world.

Do you remember when you were a child and you would race to the mailbox every day to greet the mailman and see if there was any mail for you? When I was young there were a few things I would receive in the mail: my weekly "Books by Mail" from the library (I wish they had that here!), a monthly letter from my, pen pal, Auntie in Massachusetts, and 4 times a year (birthday, Christmas, my brothers birthday, and Valentine's Day) when my Auntie would send us a package in the mail with gifts.

I remember the excitement and anticipation of running to the mailbox to see if there was a surprise for me, to have the momentary rejection if there was nothing but "junk" or "bills" that did not pertain to me. I continually got excited day after day, and the moment of rejection lasted a few seconds, because I always thought "there is always tomorrow!"

Can you remember the last time you mailed a handwritten card? A personal thank you to someone? A letter of encouragement? Imagine how much a handwritten note means now when everything is done electronic!?! The childhood thrill remains in today's technologically advanced world!

There is something permanent about written word. I was helping my grandmother clean some boxes out a couple weeks ago, and she had letters that were written to her nearly 35 years ago from a variety of people. We were reading the letters, talking, sharing, smiling and reminiscing....an awesome moment! Think of looking back at letters, cards, and photos with your children and grandchildren thirty years from now and telling a story of times gone by.

So, go buy some stamps and surprise, encourage, or love someone today!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The choice of happiness or being miserable!

This week I was reading a book titled Traits of a Lasting Marriage by Jim & Sally Conway. I find this book fascinating and would recommend it to anyone who wants to take an active role in their marriage! My husband and I are taking a class at our church in which our Pastor is teaching on topics from this book.

In the book the authors talk about a lot of excellent topics, but one that I found stood out and could apply to single, married, widowed, etc. "Happiness is a choice....you choose to be happy or you choose to be miserable." How true is that! Do you know "that person" who always seems to have something wrong and focuses on it? Do you find yourself questioning is this person every happy? I am sure we all know someone like this, otherwise we would live in a perfect world.

When I read this portion of the book about happiness, a woman I know came to mind. She is a single mother with a couple kids, works two jobs, does volunteer work, is a woman of her word, and ALWAYS has a smile on her face! She has had a rough road, life is not always easy, but whatever lemons in life she is handed, she always handles it with a smile. I respect this woman a lot because of her positive outlook on life no matter how bad it gets. She chooses to be happy in life, no matter what.

So, are you a person who chooses to be happy or miserable?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Keeping Things in Check

So how about that Awkward "Prediction"?  Mathew 24:36 states, "No one knows the day or the hour...." No matter how crazy it seems to many of us that someone would go out and try to predict the end of the world, there is a lesson that can be learned. Since no one knows when that day will come, it is important to make sure you are ready. We should always be ready. That being said we need to be mindful of our thoughts, relationships, and actions.

This whole "prediction" got me thinking of things:
1. If the world were to end today, would God be happy with my actions? Thoughts? Relationships? Etc.?
2. If the world were to end today, would those pearly gates be opened to me? How about my friends? My family?

While I feel for the guy who had the whole world talking about when the world was going to end...again, it sure does provoke some deep thought.

So, since all of our days are numbered, and none of us know when that last day is, are you prepared?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

An Ostrich or A Barracuda?

Are you the type of person who avoids problems like an ostrich sticking their head in the sand or are you the type of person to attack like a barracuda?

As life's issues come at people it might seem easy to pretend those issues are not there by sticking their head in the sand like an ostrich. This just prolongs the outcome, and eventually the original issue has grown in size.

Should a person tackle issues head on like a barracuda? What if the issue at hand is something that needs a little loving kindness? Is there a way to tackle issues right away before they grow? There is, but many times if a person does not want to deal with the issue they will procrastinate as long as possible. Is procrastination okay to do? Why put off for tomorrow what should be done today? I guess it is time to make that list of things a person might not want to do, and get them done today instead of tomorrow.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunshine or Rain? A Matter of Perspective

Do you or someone you know have issues with finding the bright side of things? I would have to say at times I am this way, but I could name quite a few of people that always seem to see the negative. Isn't it amazing how we can easily name so many people and say that is not me, without looking in the mirror?

I had the opportunity this weekend to spend some time with some amazing ladies. I realized a few things: a person could always have a larger trial than the next and still be happy; we may easily say, "I am glad that is not me," yet be overlooking the benefits; and I needed a different viewfinder.

This weekend I saw a person I have not seen in about a year and a half. She let me know that her husband has Stage 4 lung cancer. My heart went out to her. Since my grandfather passed away with this last July, I know how emotionally draining this could be, and imagine it to be worse for a spouse. But, my friend had a wonderful perspective! Read her blog! (blog.asitetobeseenonline.com). She looks as this as a time that many are watching her, if she has a righteous response, God will be pleased. I admire this friend for her wisdom, calmness, patience and peace with the situation. How easily a person could look at her situation and say, "I am glad that is not me." While she is embracing this journey God has put her and her husband on.

I went this weekend to a Ladies Conference that a person by the name of Martha Peace spoke (www.marthapeace.com). She is the author of a book called Damsels in Distress, I am currently reading this book and have found that my perspective on my things in life have been a little off. Martha is the type of person that makes you walk away and say, "okay Lord, I have been selfish and whatever you want to send my way, I am here and willing to take it." I strongly recommend this book to any ladies out there....it will help you!

So, I ask are you the type of person to wake up and say, "I am going back to bed it is raining?" or "Why do I have to keep putting up with these noisy neighbors? I just want to move?" or "It is freezing out and it is April! Where is the sunshine?" Everything happens for a reason! God puts people in certain places, certain circumstances at certain times. Remember even if it is raining, as long as you have the right perspective there will always be sunshine!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Great Expectations

I was reading this blog about expectations (http://www.seekinghim.com/radio/today.php/04/04/2011) and have been reflecting on it ever since. Thought I would share a little.

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "I just don't understand why they won't return my call?" Has it become an expectation of that person from you to call you back? The author of this blog talks about how expectations can become a prison (for you). In the scenario of the phone call, the person you called could have lost the paper that the message was written on, perhaps just forgot, or something happened and they were unable to return your call. When a person has an expectation of another person and that person fails to meet those expectations what feelings arise? Anger. Bitterness. Heartache. Hostility. Disappointment. Just to name a few.

Think of someone in your life who continually fails to meet your expectations. Now think of the thoughts or feelings that come to mind. Having a different frame of mind without expectations can help change those thoughts. Think of someone new you just met, so you are unable to have expectations. What thoughts come to mind? Thinking of that person who has let you down time and time again without expecting anything from them can change the way you perceive them. Try it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Country Tis of Thee

Have you ever had a chance to enjoy a quiet evening reading a book on the sofa with a candle burning, a quiet yet warm house, while drinking the hot cup of coffee? Or if you are not a reader the opportunity to sit and watch a movie with your family? The reality is there are people in the world who do not have the opportunity to enjoy these freedoms that we take for granted in the United States. How about the ability to walk outside and get your mail? Many countries don't have mail delivery and you can't safely walk outside your house.

Many people agree with what the military does, many don't, but the reality is these people are out in the world sacrificing their lives, their time with their families, and so many other things, so that we can sit on Facebook, take a walk in our neighborhood, go to a sporting event, read a book in a home that has a roof with food in it. I challenge everyone the next time they disagree with the military, think about those sacrifices. They deserve respect. If those sacrifices are no big deal, then why not enroll in the military?

The point is we are to try to contribute to a better world. There are so many evil things occurring around us and in so many places in the world, why not do good to impact the lives of others?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude Can Change Your Life!

A few months back Pastor Mike VerWay preached at First Calvary Baptist Church about the importance of an attitude of gratitude and this changed my life so much I thought it could impact yours! He spoke about the importance of being thankful in ALL things, ALL circumstances, ALL areas of life.

I have since reflected on what that would look like and here is the picture I have come up with in my mind:
1. When you wake up in the morning you are thankful for breath, another day, fresh air, a home to wake up in.
2. When you are working you are thankful for the opportunity to impact someone's life or to have an income.
3. When your budget runs tight for the month you are thankful you have money to buy groceries, gas or a bus pass, a roof over your head, electricity.
4. When your spouse is working late for the 10th day in a row with no day off, you are thankful for them to come home each night, having a job to support the family and an opportunity to impact someone's life.

This sermon a few months ago changed my mindset from "poor me" to "Thank you!" I have found that this change in thinking has made the winter seem more pleasant and a little shorter, we choose our battles in everything we do, and we recognize there is someone in the world who is definitely less fortunate than us-even in the worst of circumstances.

If more people adapted this way of thinking, the world would be a better place!