Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Day is Young, Forgive Someone!

I was listening to Nancy Leigh DeMoss on Reviveourhearts.com where she talks about forgiveness. Have you ever assumed something? Have you ever thought something that was based on inaccurate information? Have you ever acted poorly towards someone without knowing all the facts? I am sure every one who is honest with themselves can say they have done this. Do not forget to get all the facts before assuming! A person who does not get all the facts and acts poorly based on inaccurate information is no better than the person who wronged them.

Nancy, talks about forgiveness and the importance of ones actions when being hurt. She talks about how a person should make a list of how someone might have hurt them and how they responded. Then question did you respond the right way or the wrong way? There are many times when we respond inappropriately to hurtful or wrongful things that are done to us. She talks about the importance of responding the right way in all situations.

Unresolved forgiveness leads to a hard heart and bitterness. Are you strapped with bitterness towards someone? Try forgiving! The day is young!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Looking for Quiet in the Raging Storm

Do you find yourself saying, "I have no idea where the summer has gone. Life sure is busy! It seems life just gets busier and busier. I have no time!" The reality is there is all kinds of turmoil, activity and busy-ness around us. It seems the more technology advances the busier our world gets. Are you someone who struggles with this or strives with this?
Finding peace amongst the turmoil is critical! Do you find yourself struggling with time management? Over booking your schedule so you do not have a moment of free time? Feeling guilty because you need to say no, because you were invited to six things on the same day? When was the last time you really unplugged (no phone, no internet, no texting, no computer, no technology)?
I was talking with my grandmother about life and how it is getting increasingly busy for people. Her advice was once again wise. Most likely, there are not enough hours in a day to complete everything you wish to complete. The to-do list will always be longer than shorter. You will need to say no to people to have time to think, reflect and meditate. You will need to unplug.
Have you found your quiet in the storm?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Treasure the Elderly, They Have Lived Through More Than You!

Have you ever taken the time to appreciate the elderly? Have you taken the time to sit, have coffee and listen to their stories over and over? Have you taken the time to spend an afternoon helping an elderly and learning from them?

I LOVE the elderly! Think of all the things you studied in history, now imagine hearing a personal account of that event in time. That is why I LOVE the elderly! I remember sitting in Andover, Massachusetts with my Great-Grand-Aunt listening to her tell me about so many historical events from her point of view and how she lived during those times.

Imagine hearing about the following from direct information instead of the biased opinions in history books:
1. The Great Depression
2. Immigrating from Quebec Canada
3. The Korean War
4. The Cold War
5. Desert Storm
6. The Vietnam War
7. The Holocaust
8. The invention of the computer
9. The invention of the internet
10. WW1
11. WW2
12. Abolish of Slavery
13. Women's Right to Vote
14. Cubin missile crisis
15. Hiroshima
16. JFK Assasination
17. Marriage, Divorce and Death of Princess Diana
18. Martin Luther King Jr
19. Watergate
20. Three Mile Island
21. Development of AIDS & Cancer
22. Various natural disasters
23. Y2K
24. Chernobyl
25. 9/11
26. Many revolutions resulting in independence and breaking or forming of countries
27. The fall of the Berlin Wall
28. Various High School and College Shootings
29. And so many more things

Take some time to treasure, listen and love the elderly, they have lived through a lot of history and have tons of information to share that could make you see, live or love your life differently.