Friday, May 27, 2011

Keeping Things in Check

So how about that Awkward "Prediction"?  Mathew 24:36 states, "No one knows the day or the hour...." No matter how crazy it seems to many of us that someone would go out and try to predict the end of the world, there is a lesson that can be learned. Since no one knows when that day will come, it is important to make sure you are ready. We should always be ready. That being said we need to be mindful of our thoughts, relationships, and actions.

This whole "prediction" got me thinking of things:
1. If the world were to end today, would God be happy with my actions? Thoughts? Relationships? Etc.?
2. If the world were to end today, would those pearly gates be opened to me? How about my friends? My family?

While I feel for the guy who had the whole world talking about when the world was going to end...again, it sure does provoke some deep thought.

So, since all of our days are numbered, and none of us know when that last day is, are you prepared?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

An Ostrich or A Barracuda?

Are you the type of person who avoids problems like an ostrich sticking their head in the sand or are you the type of person to attack like a barracuda?

As life's issues come at people it might seem easy to pretend those issues are not there by sticking their head in the sand like an ostrich. This just prolongs the outcome, and eventually the original issue has grown in size.

Should a person tackle issues head on like a barracuda? What if the issue at hand is something that needs a little loving kindness? Is there a way to tackle issues right away before they grow? There is, but many times if a person does not want to deal with the issue they will procrastinate as long as possible. Is procrastination okay to do? Why put off for tomorrow what should be done today? I guess it is time to make that list of things a person might not want to do, and get them done today instead of tomorrow.